You see the aura of the vault locations blocked by Claustrophobia for the duration. Every time a generator is completed, all windows and vault locations are blocked for all Survivors for the next 20/25/30 seconds.Consume one token to increase the distance of your next lunge attack by 70%/75%/80%. Gain 2 tokens, with a maximum of 5 tokens at one time. Each time a generator is completed, Coup de Grâce grows in power.Upon succeeding the Skill Check, the generator's required charges are reduced by 10. During the installation, you will be faced with a difficult Skill Check. Toolbox Repair action is replaced with Install Brand New Part.You still aren't safe whilst unhooking however, as the Killer will still be able to hit you twice before you can escape. This means that the awkward mindgame when unhooking has been eliminated, helping to improve the gameplay flow. Grabs from unhooking Survivors have been removed.Demanifesting now removes Bloodlust, similar to other Killer Powers.Chases are prevented when Demanifested, making it more difficult to keep track of The Onryo’s position.The Onryo can no longer be stunned while Demanifested.Cursed Tapes can now be placed in any TV other than the one they were retrieved from.Holding a Cursed Tape no longer passively builds Condemned.When a Survivor carrying a Cursed Tape is hooked, all other Survivors gain one stack of Condemned and the Tape is destroyed.Getting hit with a Basic Attack while carrying a Cursed Tape will apply one stack of Condemned.Since there is no longer a range limit on the Condemned effect, a limit is required for how frequently this can happen. Projection now has a 15 second cooldown.The time a TV is disabled after a Survivor removes the Cursed Tape has been increased to 90 seconds (was 60 seconds).This can be further reduced using Add-ons.

The time a TV is disabled after The Onryo Projects to it has been reduced to 70 seconds (was 100 seconds).Projecting to a TV now applies ¾ of a stack of Condemned to all Survivors not carrying a Cursed Tape (was 1 stack to nearby Survivors).New visuals for Store flags (limited time items) and New Items across all menus.Added new Character Portraits for Survivors and Killers.Added support for new perks for Bots: Dramaturgy and Plot Twist.Disconnected Survivors will be replaced with Bots.